active - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The active SNMP Oid branch
add(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Return the sum between of this time and the input: input_time + this_time.
add(Object) - Method in class atropos.dp.TimeSeries
Add to the sorted table.
add(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Add a subagent to the sorted table.
add(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Add to the sorted table.
add(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.ParmTable
Add to the sorted ParmTable.
add(Object) - Method in class atropos.start.Others
add(Object) - Method in class atropos.util.OrderedList
Keep the Vector ordered as elements are added.
addEntry(long, long, String, AvnmpPacket, int, AvnmpLP, AvnmpTime) - Method in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Add an entry to the debug HTML file.
addEntry(long, long, String, String) - Method in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Add an entry to the debug HTML file.
addEntry(long, long, String, String, int) - Method in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Add an entry to the debug HTML file.
addEntry(String, String, Double) - Method in class atropos.pp.splitTable
Adds a table entry in the format: (source, destination, probability).
addMessage(AvnmpPacket, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Add a message to this queue.
addPred(PredMeasure) - Method in class atropos.lp.PredVector
Add a prediction interval to the vector.
addProcs(AvnmpLP, Vector, long) - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Prepare the GVT object for a calculation.
addresses - Variable in class atropos.start.InjectSnmp
Carry known addresses to next node
addresses - Variable in class atropos.start.Flood
Carry known addresses to next node
addSample(AvnmpStateQueue, AvnmpTime, AvnmpTime, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.PredVector
Add a sample to all the relevant PredMeasure elements.
addSample(AvnmpStateQueue, long, long, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.PredMeasure
Add a sample from the state queue over the sample interval of interest.
addStateQueue(long, Object, boolean, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Cache a state in the queue.
adjustRelative(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Adjust the time this variable was created by a given amount.
Amain - class atropos.start.Amain.
This class starts up an individual Logical Process on a node.
Amain() - Constructor for class atropos.start.Amain
anti - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Anti-Message Toggle
anti - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Anti-Message Toggle
antiMessage - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Indentifies this as an anti message.
antiMessage - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Indentifies this as an anti message.
append(AvnmpQueue, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Append the elements of another queue to this one.
AppOid - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
Application object id.
AppOid - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpRecQueue
The Management Object ID of the actual value.
atropos.dp - package atropos.dp
atropos.gvt - package atropos.gvt
atropos.load - package atropos.load
atropos.log - package atropos.log
atropos.lp - package atropos.lp
atropos.plot - package atropos.plot
atropos.pp - package atropos.pp
atropos.start - package atropos.start
atropos.util - package atropos.util
average() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Return the average of the sample values.
average(double) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Compute the average of all the accumulated data including the data entered in the parameter.
AvnmpBase - class atropos.lp.AvnmpBase.
This research is funded by DARPA/ITO Contract Number: F30602-98-C-0230 supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory/IF.
AvnmpBase() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpBase
AvnmpBW - class atropos.lp.AvnmpBW.
This class implements methods for calculating bandwidth.
AvnmpBW() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpBW
AvnmpDebug - class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug.
This class handles AVNMP Debugging messages.
AvnmpDebug() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
This constructor sets the level of debugging.
AvnmpDriverBase - class atropos.start.AvnmpDriverBase.
This research is funded by DARPA/ITO Contract Number: F30602-98-C-0230 supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory/IF.
AvnmpDriverBase() - Constructor for class atropos.start.AvnmpDriverBase
AvnmpDriverRb - class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb.
Notify Driving Process of downstream rollback.
AvnmpDriverRb() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
AvnmpDriverRb(String, String, long) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Create a new packet based on an input packet.
AvnmpHostBase - class atropos.start.AvnmpHostBase.
This research is funded by DARPA/ITO Contract Number: F30602-98-C-0230 supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory/IF.
AvnmpHostBase() - Constructor for class atropos.start.AvnmpHostBase
AvnmpLP - class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.
This class implements the AVNMP logical process.
AvnmpLP.ParmTable - class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.ParmTable.
This table will hold a list of parmTime objects used to set and check parameter changes.
AvnmpLP.ParmTable(AvnmpLP) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.ParmTable
Construct empty TreeSet.
AvnmpLP.parmTime - class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime.
This class holds a list of new LP parameter values and the time at which they should take effect.
AvnmpLP.parmTime(AvnmpLP) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
AvnmpLP(String, String) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Create a Logical Process.
avnmpMIB - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The avnmp SNMP Oid branch
AvnmpPacket - class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket.
I am a virtual message.
AvnmpPacket() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Create an empty packet
AvnmpPacket(AvnmpLP) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Create a dummy packet.
AvnmpPacket(AvnmpPacket) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Create a new packet based on an input packet.
AvnmpPacket(byte, String, long, long, AvnmpLP) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Create a packet based on all parameters specified.
AvnmpPacket(byte, String, long, String, long, Object) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Create a packet based on all parameters specified in detail.
AvnmpQueue - class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue.
This class implements a queue for the logical process receive and send queues.
AvnmpQueue() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Create an empty queue.
AvnmpQueue(String) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Create an empty queue with the input name.
AvnmpRecQueue - class atropos.lp.AvnmpRecQueue.
This class implements the AVNMP LP receive queue.
AvnmpRecQueue(String) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpRecQueue
Construct an empty receive queue.
AvnmpSmartDriver - class atropos.start.AvnmpSmartDriver.
Start the Driving process.
AvnmpSmartDriver() - Constructor for class atropos.start.AvnmpSmartDriver
AvnmpSndQueue - class atropos.lp.AvnmpSndQueue.
This class implements the send queue for the AVNMP LP.
AvnmpSndQueue() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpSndQueue
Construct an empty send queue.
AvnmpStat - class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat.
This class is used to track statistics within the AVNMP system.
AvnmpStat() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Reset all the values in this object to zero.
AvnmpState - class atropos.lp.AvnmpState.
This class contents AVNMP state information.
AvnmpState(AvnmpState) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpState
Construct a state object.
AvnmpState(long, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpState
Construct a state object.
AvnmpStateQueue - class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue.
This class implements the AVNMP state queue.
AvnmpStateQueue() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Construct an empty state queue.
avnmpTable - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The avnmpTable SNMP Oid branch
AvnmpTime - class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime.
This class handles AVNMP Time calculation.
AvnmpTime() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Construct a relative time object.
AvnmpTime(long) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Construct an absolute time object.


calcAcc(long, long, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.PredMeasure
Compute the prediction accuracy measure.
calcLocalMinimum() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Caculate the local minimum.
cancel(AvnmpPacket, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Check for cancellation of an anti-message.
CANCELLATION - Static variable in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Indicates a CANCELLATION has occurred.
CausalityException - exception atropos.lp.CausalityException.
This class is thrown when a causality violation occurs during message input.
CausalityException() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.CausalityException
CausalityException(String, long, AvnmpPacket, long, long) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.CausalityException
checkParameterTimes() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Check if the time has been reached to set new parameter values.
clear() - Method in class atropos.util.OrderedList
COLLECTMIN - Static variable in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
The Gvt process is finishing the Gvt calculation.
collectMinima(AvnmpPacket) - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Collect all the local minima from all processes and compute a global minimum.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atropos.dp.TimeSeries
This is required to keep the time samples sorted by time.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Keep states ordered by save time.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
This is required to keep the packets sorted by receive time.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.ParmTable
This is required to keep the parameter settings sorted by object id.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class atropos.util.OrderedList
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atropos.dp.TimeSample
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpState
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
compareTo(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
compPred() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
This is a stub which allows base performance to be tested without rollback or state checking overhead.
compPred(String, AvnmpState, AvnmpPacket, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Compute the prediction accuracy of AVNMP based on either state or the packet in the send queue cached closest to the current time.
Compute(PayLoad) - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
This method is not used by the Driver.
Compute(PayLoad) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
This method is to be over-ridden by the physical process.
Compute(PayLoad) - Method in class atropos.pp.PP
Note that for testing we send and receive pure error.
ConfigInterface - interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface.
context - Variable in class atropos.dp.Driver
The Snmp Agent Context
context - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
The Snmp Agent Context
context - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpBW
Allow the packet to be SNMP managable.
cpu95Percentile - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuApp - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The cpuApp elements...
cpuAppType - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuAvgHighError - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuAvgLowError - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuAvgUtilization - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuID - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuPrediction - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
CPU Prediction Table
cpuPredictionAppType - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuPredictionAvgUtil - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuPredictionID - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuPredictionPredictedTime - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuPredictionTable - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuPredictionVariance - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuUtilizationTable - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
cpuVariance - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface


debugType(int) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Return a readable version of the type of debug message.
deleteMessage(AvnmpPacket) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Delete a message from this queue.
deleteStateQueue(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Remove a state from the queue.
diff(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Return the difference between this time and the input: input_time - this_time.
display() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
displayConfiguration() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
displayLvt() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Display the logical process local virtual time.
displayLVT() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
displayQueues() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Display all the queues associated with this logical process.
dlevel - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Bitmap of code portions to debug.
done - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
Has this value been used yet ?
done() - Method in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Complete the main HTML log file.
Driver - class atropos.dp.Driver.
This class implements an AVNMP Driver process.
DRIVER_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable checking of Driver Process values.
Driver(String, String) - Constructor for class atropos.dp.Driver
Construct a driver process.
DriverBase - class atropos.dp.DriverBase.
This research is funded by DARPA/ITO Contract Number: F30602-98-C-0230 supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory/IF.
DriverBase() - Constructor for class atropos.dp.DriverBase
dropSample() - Method in class atropos.dp.TimeSeries
Drop the oldest sample.
dst - Variable in class atropos.pp.PayLoad
The destination load prediction.
dst - Variable in class atropos.pp.splitElement
The destination of the (source, destination, probability) triplet.
Dst - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Destination Node
Dst - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Destination Node
Dvm - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface


endTime() - Method in class atropos.lp.PredMeasure
Return the sample interval end time.
equals(Object) - Method in class atropos.dp.TimeSample
equals(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpState
equals(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
equals(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
exec() - Method in class atropos.load.LoadGen
exec() - Method in class atropos.load.LoadPacket
exec() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpBW
This is the main processing for this active packet.
exec() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
This is the main processing for this active packet.
exec() - Method in class atropos.start.Amain
Process incoming messages and generate outgoing messages.
exec() - Method in class atropos.start.InjectSnmp
Process incoming messages and generate outgoing messages.
exec() - Method in class atropos.start.Flood
Process incoming messages and generate outgoing messages.
exec() - Method in class atropos.start.SnmpAgentMain
Begin running the SNMP agent.
exec() - Method in class atropos.start.AvnmpSmartDriver
exit - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
Should we exit the process now ?
experimental - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The experimental SNMP Oid


finalize() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Flood - class atropos.start.Flood.
This research is funded by DARPA/ITO Contract Number: F30602-98-C-0230 supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory/IF.
Flood() - Constructor for class atropos.start.Flood
Default constructor.
Flood(String) - Constructor for class atropos.start.Flood
Set the Destination field.


GenVal - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
The new virtual message generation rate.
get(int) - Method in class atropos.util.OrderedList
getAvg(long, long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Return the average of a set of state values from a given start time to a given end time from the state queue.
getCausalityRollbacks() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Return the number of causality rollbacks for this object.
getClosestTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Return a pointer to the closest state based on the time.
getClosestTime(long, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Return the packet from this queue whose receive time is closest to the input time.
getDst(String) - Method in class atropos.pp.splitTable
Obtain a sub table of all the table entries with a given destination.
getGenRate() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Return the virtual/real generation rate for driving process prediction.
getGreaterOrEqualRecTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
getGreaterOrEqualRecTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getGreaterOrEqualSndTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getGreaterRecTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
getGreaterRecTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getGreaterSndTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getLessOrEqualRecTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
getLessOrEqualRecTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getLessOrEqualSndTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getLessRecTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
getLessRecTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getLessSndTime(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getlvt() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
This method is expected to be over-ridden by the logical process.
getlvt() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
This method is to be over-ridden by the the logical process.
getlvt() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Return the Local Virtual Time for this object.
getLVT(AvnmpLP, AvnmpTime) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpRecQueue
This returns the smallest of any virtual message receive times still in the receive queue.
getMessage(byte, String, long, String, long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Return a pointer to the message in this queue which matches the input parameters.
getnext() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Return the next packet to be processed by the physical process.
getNext(AvnmpTime, long, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpRecQueue
Get the next packet to be processed from the this queue.
getNumProcs() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Return the number of processes expected to report back with their local minimum.
getNumUpdates() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Returns the number of GVT update requests since the object was created.
getPPstate() - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
This method is not used by the Driver.
getPPstate() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
This method is to be over-ridden by the physical process.
getPPstate() - Method in class atropos.pp.PP
Get the physical process state.
getProcReport() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Return the current value of the number of processes which have reported their current local minimum.
getReal() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getRealTime() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
This method is to be over-ridden by the the logical process.
getRealTime() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Return the real time since this object created.
getRecQSize() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Return the Receive Queue Size for this object.
getSndQSize() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Return the Send Queue Size for this object.
getState() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Return the state of the Gvt process.
getstate(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Get the cached state closest to the input time.
getStateQSize() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Return the State Queue Size for this object.
getStateQueue(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Return a state based on time.
getStates(long, long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Retrieve a set of state values from a given start time to a given end time.
getTimeSinceLastUpdate() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Returns relative time since the Gvt was last updated.
getTolerance() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Get the max/min allowed value outside of which rollback will occur.
getToleranceRollbacks() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Return the number of out of tolerance rollbacks for this object.
getUpdateInterval() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Returns the GVT update interval.
getVirtual() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
getvm(AvnmpPacket) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Receive the next input message and enter it into the input queue.
GnuPlot - class atropos.plot.GnuPlot.
This class implements a customized gnuplot plotting capability.
GnuPlot(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the initial parameters for the plot files.
Gvt - class atropos.gvt.Gvt.
This class implements the GVT update algorithm.
GVT_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Global Virtual Time debugging.
Gvt() - Constructor for class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Create a Gvt update process object.
GvtReportInput - Static variable in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Indicate a GVT report message type.
gvtupdate - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
How often to update global virtual time in milliseconds.
GvtUpdateRequest - Static variable in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Indicate a GVT update message type.
GvtUpdateResponse - Static variable in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Indicate a GVT response message type.


html - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
This is the class for building the HTML debug files.
HtmlDebug - class atropos.log.HtmlDebug.
This class write HTML files so that a browser can be used to examine log files.
HtmlDebug() - Constructor for class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Stub for now.


i - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
The current index into the 'numVirtual' array.
IDLE - Static variable in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
The Gvt process is not currently in operation.
initTolerance - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
InjectSnmp - class atropos.start.InjectSnmp.
Inject the SNMP protocol into the network.
InjectSnmp() - Constructor for class atropos.start.InjectSnmp
Default constructor.
InjectSnmp(String) - Constructor for class atropos.start.InjectSnmp
Set the Destination field.
InjectSnmpBase - class atropos.start.InjectSnmpBase.
This research is funded by DARPA/ITO Contract Number: F30602-98-C-0230 supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory/IF.
InjectSnmpBase() - Constructor for class atropos.start.InjectSnmpBase
inputvm(AvnmpPacket) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Main input to the logical process.
isAnti() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Check if packet is an anti-message.
isAnti() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Check if packet is an anti-message.
isAnti(AvnmpDriverRb) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Determine whether the input packet is an anti-message of this message.
isAnti(AvnmpPacket) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Determine whether the input packet is an anti-message of this message.
isDone() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Is the GVT computation complete ?
isDriver(String) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
isEqual(AvnmpDriverRb) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Check if packets are equal.
isEqual(AvnmpPacket) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Check if packets are equal.
isGvtReportInput() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Check if packet is a Gvt calculation report packet.
isGvtReportInput() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Check if packet is a Gvt calculation report packet.
isGvtUpdateRequest() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Check if packet is a Gvt start calculation packet.
isGvtUpdateRequest() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Check if packet is a Gvt start calculation packet.
isGvtUpdateResponse() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Check if packet is a Gvt response calculation packet.
isGvtUpdateResponse() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Check if packet is a Gvt response calculation packet.
islp - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Is this a logical process or a driving process ?
isLP() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Is this a logical process or a driving process ?
isQuitTime() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Check if time has expired.
isReal() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Determine whether this message is real.
isReal() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Determine whether this message is real.
isUpdateTime() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Return true if time for a new GVT update.
isVirtual() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Determine whether this message is real or virtual.
isVirtual() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Determine whether this message is real or virtual.
isVirtual(AvnmpLP, AvnmpTime) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Determine whether this message is real or virtual.


join(Vector, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.pp.PayLoad
Combine a vector of incomming packets with this packet into a single PayLoad.


l - Variable in class atropos.lp.NotFoundInQueueException
lm - Variable in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
The local minimum.
loadApp - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The LoadGen application
loadAppPackets - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The loadApp elements...
loadAppUptime - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
LoadBase - class atropos.load.LoadBase.
This research is funded by DARPA/ITO Contract Number: F30602-98-C-0230 supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory/IF.
LoadBase() - Constructor for class atropos.load.LoadBase
LoadGen - class atropos.load.LoadGen.
This class is a load generation application.
LoadGen() - Constructor for class atropos.load.LoadGen
LoadPacket - class atropos.load.LoadPacket.
These are the packets generated by LoadGen.
LoadPacket(long) - Constructor for class atropos.load.LoadPacket
loadPredictionID - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The loadPredictionTable elements...
loadPredictionPort - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
loadPredictionPredictedLoad - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
loadPredictionPredictedTime - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
loadPredictionTable - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The loadPredictionTable
log(int, AvnmpPacket, int, AvnmpLP, AvnmpTime) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Conditinally display the debug message.
log(int, AvnmpQueue, int, AvnmpLP, AvnmpTime) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Conditinally display the debug message.
log(int, String) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Conditinally display the debug message.
log(int, String, int) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Conditinally display the debug message.
logdir - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
The log directory.
logicalProcessCausalityRollbacks - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessELkAhead - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessErb - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessETask - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessGVT - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessGvtUpdate - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessID - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessLookAhead - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessLVT - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessNumAnti - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessNumNoState - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessNumPkts - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessPktPred - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessPredAcc - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessPropX - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessPropY - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessQRSize - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessQSSize - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessReal - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessReRate - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessSpeedup - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessSQSize - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessStateError - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessStatePred - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessStepSize - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessTableIndex - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The avnmpTable elements...
logicalProcessTdiff - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessTolerance - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessToleranceRollbacks - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessUptime - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessVirtual - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logicalProcessVmRate - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
logState() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Log the complete LP state
longRunning - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
Long Running Packets
longRunningPackets - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
longRunningTable - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
lookahead - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Distance into the future to predict
lookNext(AvnmpTime, long, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpRecQueue
Look at, but do not remove, the next packet.
lp - Variable in class atropos.gvt.Mstat
LP_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable Logical Process debugging.
LpNum - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Unique process id
LPSTATE_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable checking of Driver Process values.
lrAppType - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
lrCpuActualTime - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
lrCpuPacketID - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
lrCpuPredicted95Percentile - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
lvm - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
lvt - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Local virtual time
lvt - Variable in class atropos.lp.CausalityException
lvt - Variable in class atropos.lp.NoRealException
lvt - Variable in class atropos.lp.NoPredictedException
lvt - Variable in class atropos.lp.ToleranceException
LVT when tolerance check failed.


main(String[]) - Static method in class atropos.dp.TimeTest
This is the main function which executes the entire system.
MEASURE_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Used for measuring experimental values.
measure(Object, String) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Record a measured value.
mlist - Variable in class atropos.gvt.Mstat
This vector holds Mstat objects.
msg - Variable in class atropos.lp.CausalityException
msg - Variable in class atropos.lp.NoRealException
msg - Variable in class atropos.lp.NoPredictedException
msg - Variable in class atropos.lp.ToleranceException
The packet contents of virtual message when tolerance check failed.
Mstat - class atropos.gvt.Mstat.
This class keeps track the GVT required statistics for each logical process of which this logical process is aware.
Mstat() - Constructor for class atropos.gvt.Mstat
Mstat(String, long, long) - Constructor for class atropos.gvt.Mstat
Create a status record.
myname() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
This method is expected to be over-ridden by the logical process.
myname() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
This method is to be over-ridden by the the logical process.
myname() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Display the logical process name.


name - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Process name
nextDst(String, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.pp.PayLoad
Compute the next destination.
nextValue(long) - Method in class atropos.dp.TimeSeries
Compute the value at a given time based on the current samples.
NodeName - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Active Node Name.
NoPredictedException - exception atropos.lp.NoPredictedException.
This class is thrown when no real values are avaliable for an accuracy measurement.
NoPredictedException() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.NoPredictedException
NoPredictedException(String, long, AvnmpPacket, long, long) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.NoPredictedException
NoRealException - exception atropos.lp.NoRealException.
This class is thrown when no real values are avaliable for an accuracy measurement.
NoRealException() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.NoRealException
NoRealException(String, long, AvnmpPacket, long, long) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.NoRealException
NotFoundInQueueException - exception atropos.lp.NotFoundInQueueException.
This exception is thrown when an AVNMP queue element is requested and the queue is empty.
NotFoundInQueueException() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.NotFoundInQueueException
NotFoundInQueueException(String, long, long, long) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.NotFoundInQueueException
now() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
The current time.
numAnti - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Total number of anti-messages generated.
numCausalityRb - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Number of Causality rollbacks
numCausalityRb - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpRecQueue
The number of causality based rollbacks.
numPackets - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Total number of packets received.
numReal(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Return the number of real messages between two times.
numToleranceRb - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Number of Tolerance rollbacks
numToleranceRb - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpRecQueue
The number of out of tolerance based rollbacks.
numVirtual - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
The number of virtual messages received less than 'time'.
numVirtual(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Return the number of virtual messages between two times.


ootLimit - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
OrderedList - class atropos.util.OrderedList.
This class replaces TreeSet in the previous AVNMP version.
OrderedList() - Constructor for class atropos.util.OrderedList
Others - class atropos.start.Others.
This class holds a SET of active node addresses as Strings.
Others() - Constructor for class atropos.start.Others
Output() - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
Send VirtualMessageRatio virtual messages for each real message.
outq_size - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Send queue size


PACKET_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable checking of the AVNMP packet.
parmTable - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
payload - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Payload The Payload object is expected to include a method to check the prediction accuracy.
payload - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Payload The Payload object is expected to include a method to check the prediction accuracy.
PayLoad - class atropos.pp.PayLoad.
This class implements the payload passed to the Physical Process (PP).
PAYLOAD_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable checking of Physical Process PayLoad values.
PayLoad(Double, String, AvnmpLP) - Constructor for class atropos.pp.PayLoad
Create a PayLoad message.
pdir - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
The plot file directory.
plot(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Record a plot value.
plotCommand() - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Builds the plot command for the gnuplot file.
plotPred(AvnmpTime, AvnmpTime, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.PredVector
Examine all the average predicted values.
plotQueue(AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Generate a gnuplot data file of the current state of the queue.
plotQueue(AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Generate a gnuplot data file of the current state of the queue.
portTable() - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
portTable() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
portTable() - Method in class atropos.pp.PP
A translation from current node name to port number to watch.
PP - class atropos.pp.PP.
This class implements a physical process for test purposes.
PP_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Turn on physical process debugging.
PP(String, String) - Constructor for class atropos.pp.PP
Construct the logical process for this physical process.
Predict() - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
Predict a new value and create packet to send.
PredictedLoadFit() - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
This is the hook into a load prediction method.
PredictedLoadRandom() - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
This is the hook into a perfect prediction with random noise.
prediction - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpState
Real or Prediction
PREDM_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable checking of Prediction Accuracy Measure.
PredMeasure - class atropos.lp.PredMeasure.
This class calculates a prediction accuracy measure over a given time interval.
PredMeasure(long, long) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.PredMeasure
The sample interval.
predVarMIB - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
The loadPred branch of the Mib
PredVector - class atropos.lp.PredVector.
This class holds a set of prediction accuracy measures over a given time interval.
PredVector() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.PredVector
prob - Variable in class atropos.pp.splitElement
The probability of the (source, destination, probability) triplet.
procList - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
A list of all the known processes.


qname - Variable in class atropos.lp.NotFoundInQueueException
QtoString() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Display the state queue.
QtoString() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Display the contents of this queue.
QueueName - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Name to identify this queue.
QueueName - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Is this a send or receive queue ?
queueSize() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Return the size of the queue.
queueSize(int) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpBW
Incoming Active Node Queue size.


rate() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Return the rate of change of the sample values.
rate(double, long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Compute the rate of change of all the accumulated data including the data entered in the parameter at the given time.
rbq(long, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpSndQueue
Send Anti-messages from a time equal or greater than the parameter.
rbstate(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Remove states which are invalid after a given time.
RCVACROSS - Static variable in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Message is RECEIVED from across the web page.
RCVDOWN - Static variable in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Message is RECEIVED from above within the web page.
Real() - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
Send a real packet.
realMessage - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Indentifies this as a real message.
realMessage - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Indentifies this as a real message.
rec_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.CausalityException
rec_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.NoRealException
rec_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.NoPredictedException
rec_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.ToleranceException
Receive time of message
rec_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Receive Time
rec_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Receive Time
RECQ_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Show Receive Queue debugging.
recvm(AvnmpPacket, AvnmpTime, AvnmpLP, AvnmpStateQueue, AvnmpTime, AvnmpSndQueue) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpRecQueue
Receive and check the tolerance of an input message.
recvRate() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpBW
This method returns the total number of bytes received by this node divided by the total amount of time this node has been running.
recvRateCurrent() - Method in class atropos.pp.PP
The current receive rate over the last half second.
recvRateToDate(int) - Method in class atropos.pp.PP
Return the average received rate since startup.
redundant - Variable in class atropos.start.InjectSnmp
Is an SNMP agent already on this node ?
redundant - Variable in class atropos.start.Flood
Is a similar type of PP already on this node ?
remove(int) - Method in class atropos.util.OrderedList
remove(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Remove from the sorted table.
remove(Object) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpQueue
Remove a from the sorted table.
RemoveFossils(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Remove messages with a value less than the given time.
RemoveFossils(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpSndQueue
Remove messages with a value less than the given time.
reportIn(AvnmpPacket) - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Send GVT minima information to all processes which sent input messages to this process.
REPORTLOCAL - Static variable in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
The Gvt process is reporting it's local minimum.
reportLocalMinimum() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Report the local minimum back to the Gvt Initiator.
repString(String, String, String) - Method in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Replace all occurances of one string with another.
ReRate - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Real Message Rate
reset() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Set all the internal values to zero.
resetGvt() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Prepare the GVT for a new calculation.
resetLog(String, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Reset the log file.
resetRelative() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Reset the start time of this object to the present time.
rmlog - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
rmplots - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
rmsnmp - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
ROLLBACK - Static variable in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Indicates a ROLLBACK has occurred.
ROLLBACK_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable checking of out-of-tolerance values.
Rollback(Long) - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
Rollback based upon out-of-tolerance rollback from logical processes.
rt - Variable in class atropos.lp.NotFoundInQueueException
runMinutes - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface


savestate(AvnmpState) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Save the current state in the state queue.
sendvm(AvnmpPacket, AvnmpLP, AvnmpTime) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpSndQueue
Cache a virtual message which is to be sent.
set(double) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Set the object to hold a particular sample value.
set(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Set the time to the given input.
setGenRate(double) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Set the virtual/real generation rate for driving process prediction.
setGVTUpdate(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Set the GVT update interval for the AVNMP system.
setLevel(int) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Set the bitmap for debugging.
setLineTitle(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the line title option within the gnu plot statement.
setLookahead(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Set the maximum distance into the future which this logical process may run.
setNode(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the node name.
setNodeName(String, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Set the node name.
setOutput(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the output file name.
setParameterTimes() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Set the parameter values and the times at which they take effect.
setPPstate(Double) - Method in class atropos.dp.Driver
This method is not by the Driver.
setPPstate(Double) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
This method is to be over-ridden by the physical process.
setPPstate(Double) - Method in class atropos.pp.PP
Set the physical process state.
setProcList(Vector) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Provide this object with a list of all the other processes.
setStepsize(long) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Set the step size for driving process prediction.
setTerminal(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the terminal type for the gnuplot output.
setTitle(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the overall plot title.
setTol(AvnmpLP.parmTime, double, double) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
The system exits automatically when the number of out-of-tolerance rollbacks exceeds a given value in the code below.
setUsing(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the "using" option within the gnu plot statement.
setWith(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the "with" option in the gnu plot command.
setXlabel(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the graph X label.
setYlabel(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the graph Y label.
setZlabel(String) - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Set the graph Z label.
shortRunning - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
Short Running Packets
shortRunningPackets - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
shortRunningTable - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
sn - Variable in class atropos.gvt.Mstat
The best guess global virtual time.
snd_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Send Time
snd_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Send Time
SNDACROSS - Static variable in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Message is SENT across the web page.
SNDDOWN - Static variable in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Message is SENT downwards within the web page.
SNDQ_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Show Send Queue debugging.
SnmpAgentMain - class atropos.start.SnmpAgentMain.
This class starts up an individual Logical Process on a node.
SnmpAgentMain(int, AgentTable) - Constructor for class atropos.start.SnmpAgentMain
Set the information requires to start the SNMP agent.
snmpdir - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
The SNMP data directory.
SnmpInterface - interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface.
split(String, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.pp.PayLoad
Return the next hop node name based on the current node name, routing table and probability.
splitElement - class atropos.pp.splitElement.
This class implements a routing table element.
splitElement(String, String, Double) - Constructor for class atropos.pp.splitElement
Create the table entry (source, destination, probability).
splitTable - class atropos.pp.splitTable.
This class implements the decision to mux messages across multiple links.
splitTable() - Constructor for class atropos.pp.splitTable
Does nothing.
splotCommand() - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Builds the plot command for the gnuplot file.
sqt - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpState
Receive Time
srAppType - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
src - Variable in class atropos.pp.PayLoad
The source of this load prediction message.
src - Variable in class atropos.pp.splitElement
The source of the (source, destination, probability) triplet.
Src - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Source Node
Src - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Source Node
srCpuActualTime - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
srCpuPacketID - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
srCpuPredicted95Percentile - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.SnmpInterface
START - Static variable in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
The Gvt process is starting to broadcast Gvt update requests.
start_time - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Time actual simulation processing starts
startGvt() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Initiate the GVT calculation process.
startTime() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Display the time this variable was created.
state - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpState
State object
STATE - Static variable in class atropos.log.HtmlDebug
Indicates system STATE information.
stateq - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
State queue
STATEQ_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable State Queue debugging.
stepsize - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Logical process simulation resolution
StepVal - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
The new step increment value.
storeIn(AvnmpPacket) - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Record GVT status information upon the receipt of ANY input message.
storeOut(AvnmpPacket) - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Store GVT status information for every message sent from this process.
streptiChron() - Method in class atropos.pp.PayLoad
Actively compute the value, e.g.
sum() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Return the sum of the sample values.
sum(double) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Add a new sample value to the sum.
SYSTEM_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable System level debugging.


t - Variable in class atropos.lp.NotFoundInQueueException
terminal - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
time - Variable in class atropos.dp.TimeSample
The time at which the parameters should be changed.
time - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
The time at which the parameters should be changed.
TIME_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable Time Management debugging.
time() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Return the time relative to the start time.
TimeSample - class atropos.dp.TimeSample.
This class holds a single time series sample.
TimeSample(double, long) - Constructor for class atropos.dp.TimeSample
Construct a time sample.
TimeSeries - class atropos.dp.TimeSeries.
This table will hold a list of timeSeries objects used to predict load via simple curve fit/extrapolation algorithms.
TimeSeries() - Constructor for class atropos.dp.TimeSeries
Construct empty TreeSet.
TimeTest - class atropos.dp.TimeTest.
This class tests the TimeSeries code.
TimeTest() - Constructor for class atropos.dp.TimeTest
Tla - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Sampled lookahead
tolerance - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Tolerance before rollback
TOLERANCE_D - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Enable checking of out-of-tolerance values.
ToleranceException - exception atropos.lp.ToleranceException.
This class is thrown when a causality violation occurs during message input.
ToleranceException() - Constructor for class atropos.lp.ToleranceException
ToleranceException(String, long, AvnmpPacket, long, long) - Constructor for class atropos.lp.ToleranceException
TolVal - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
The new tolerance value.
toPredString() - Method in class atropos.lp.PredMeasure
Display the state of this object by printing it's unique sample interval and current sample values.
toString() - Method in class atropos.dp.TimeSample
toString() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Gvt
Display this GVT status object as a string.
toString() - Method in class atropos.gvt.Mstat
toString() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpTime
Display this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Display the logical process id.
toString() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpState
Display the state in a human readable form.
toString() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP.parmTime
toString() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Display the packet in human readable format.
toString() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Display the packet in human readable format.
toString() - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Returns the complete gnuplot filename and data filename.
toString() - Method in class atropos.pp.PayLoad
Display this payload in a user friendly form.
toString() - Method in class atropos.pp.splitElement
Display the (source, destination, probability) triplet.
toString() - Method in class atropos.pp.splitTable
Dump the table.
ts - Variable in class atropos.gvt.Mstat
Tspeedup - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Sampled Speedup: LVT/t samples.
Ttrb - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Total of rollback time samples.
Tttask - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Total of task execution time samples.


updateSnmpObjects(AppCommunicator, String, String, AvnmpTime, AvnmpTime, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStateQueue
Update the SNMP agent with the entire contents of the state queue.
updateSnmpObjects(SnmpAgentContext, String, String, AvnmpTime, AvnmpTime, AvnmpLP) - Method in class atropos.lp.PredVector


val_time - Variable in class atropos.pp.PayLoad
The time at which the load above is predicted to be valid.
Value - Variable in class atropos.dp.TimeSample
The new tolerance value.
variance() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Return the current variance.
variance(double) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpStat
Compute the variance of all the accumulated data including the data entered in the parameter.
virtualMessage - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpPacket
Indentifies this as a virtual message.
virtualMessage - Static variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDriverRb
Indentifies this as a virtual message.
VirtualMessageRatio - Static variable in interface atropos.lp.ConfigInterface
This is the ratio of virtual messages to real messages.
vminq - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Input queue
vmoutq - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP
Output queue
VmRate - Variable in class atropos.lp.AvnmpLP


wallclock_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.CausalityException
wallclock_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.NoRealException
wallclock_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.NoPredictedException
wallclock_tm - Variable in class atropos.lp.ToleranceException
Actual time at which tolerance check failed.
writeGnuPlot() - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Write the gnuplot file.
writeGnuSplot() - Method in class atropos.plot.GnuPlot
Write the gnuplot file.
writeLog(int, String) - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpDebug
Conditinally display the debug message.


xmitRate() - Method in class atropos.lp.AvnmpBW
This method returns the total number of bytes transmitted by this node divided by the total amount of time this node has been running.


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