Package atropos.lp

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AvnmpBase This research is funded by DARPA/ITO Contract Number: F30602-98-C-0230 supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory/IF.
AvnmpBW This class implements methods for calculating bandwidth.
AvnmpDebug This class handles AVNMP Debugging messages.
AvnmpDriverRb Notify Driving Process of downstream rollback.
AvnmpLP This class implements the AVNMP logical process.
AvnmpPacket I am a virtual message.
AvnmpQueue This class implements a queue for the logical process receive and send queues.
AvnmpRecQueue This class implements the AVNMP LP receive queue.
AvnmpSndQueue This class implements the send queue for the AVNMP LP.
AvnmpStat This class is used to track statistics within the AVNMP system.
AvnmpState This class contents AVNMP state information.
AvnmpStateQueue This class implements the AVNMP state queue.
AvnmpTime This class handles AVNMP Time calculation.
PredMeasure This class calculates a prediction accuracy measure over a given time interval.
PredVector This class holds a set of prediction accuracy measures over a given time interval.

Exception Summary
CausalityException This class is thrown when a causality violation occurs during message input.
NoPredictedException This class is thrown when no real values are avaliable for an accuracy measurement.
NoRealException This class is thrown when no real values are avaliable for an accuracy measurement.
NotFoundInQueueException This exception is thrown when an AVNMP queue element is requested and the queue is empty.
ToleranceException This class is thrown when a causality violation occurs during message input.

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